

How Hackers Really Get What They Want

Want to know how a really crafty cyber attacker can get what they want? A while back a hacking group went after a top executive at HSBC bank. Only instead of targeting her directly, they went after her husband. They did their research and found out that he played rugby in college, and the names…

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Protecting Future Revenues

Post-Covid, many businesses are on the upswing again, thankfully, and asking themselves ‘how can we protect against something like this happening again?’ Threats come in many shapes and sizes, and a businesses ability to respond and recover can mean the difference between dying off, or surviving and thriving well into the coming years. While Covid…

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Lifecycle of an Employee

The Joiners, Movers and Leavers process is a key HR process in most organisations. This gives businesses a framework for bringing personnel into the organisation, and managing them throughout their employee lifetime. While it mostly focuses on providing access to systems, operational training and offboarding, it is also useful to introduce specific IT security controls…

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Does your Business Insurance Cover Cyber Attacks?

How important is your business insurance cover against cyber attacks to you? Three points to consider: 1 - Many companies rely on their insurance to cover to the cost of ransom payments during a cyber attack. 2 - The cost of ransomware attacks are increasing year on year. 3 - Insurance companies see cyber attacks…

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Should People have Admin Rights on their Laptops

I once worked in an organisation which was taken over by another company, and as part of the takeover, we were all issued with new laptops. I watched the IT guys wheel their cart around the office, replacing the old kit with new, and ticking off their checklist with each new handover. When it came…

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Data Breaches Happen Every Day

Back at the start of the 20th century, there was a garment factory in New York producing womens blouses for the fashion-conscious ladies of the era. In the factory, emergency exits were locked to prevent the 500 immigrant women from taking breaks, and there were strips of cloth and material lying loose around the floor.…

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How Exactly are Passwords Stolen

Have you ever wondered just how criminals manage to steal people's passwords? - tricking someone into clicking on a link in a phishing email - using the same password stolen from a data breach to attack other websites the user would likely have an account on - using a number of commonly used passwords against…

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Most Hacked Passwords report

One of the most heartening statistics from this survey is that 68% of people felt they knew a great deal about how to protect themselves online. It really says to me that people are taking responsibility for their own online security, especially in the younger age brackets. This is the exciting new time we live…

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Improving Cyber Security for SMEs

More and more companies are recognising the importance of beefing up their cyber security. In a recent study of manufacturing companies by Just-Food, the numbers of cybersecurity roles being offered have doubled to 1.2% over the last year. This is actually still lower than other industries, with the average percentage of job postings being about…

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What exactly happens during a ransomware attack?

All too frequently we hear about cyber attacks which are trying to ‘extort money’ from a company or ‘holding a company to ransom’. But what exactly is going on, and why do almost 40% of businesses feel unprepared for such an attack. A ransomware attack involves an attacker launching a virus which will encrypt, or…

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