Post-Covid, many businesses are on the upswing again, thankfully, and asking themselves ‘how can we protect against something like this happening again?’

Threats come in many shapes and sizes, and a businesses ability to respond and recover can mean the difference between dying off, or surviving and thriving well into the coming years.

While Covid may have been quite an unexpected event, being able to deal with more common and predictable online threats is key.

Most of digital security planning goes into reducing risk and preventing the event from happening in the first place. Here are three things you can do to further prepare your business for how to respond to a digital attack:

1. Be clear on what are the likely threats facing your business, and what your current state of readiness against them. Have a rough immediate action plan for what to do if you were to suffer a cyber attack within the next 60 minutes.

2. Have a detailed plan of action. 80% of your success happens in advance, so take time to formulate a more definite response plan. What are the minimum key assets for running the business? How are critical data sets restored, and in what order? Who is doing each role, and what external personnel/groups need to be brought in?

3. Have a communications plan ready. Think about what needs to be communicated for each likely scenario to both internal and external stakeholders. How will response groups communicate if email systems are affected? What regulatory timelines are you under, i.e. GDPR? Run a tabletop exercise with IT, Legal and HR to set out your plan of approach.


On Saturday 06th August I will be running a free and live session on scam and phishing emails, and what to watch out for. More details to come soon! 👍