
Reading Files from the Command Line

When working on your server, there will be many occasions in which you will need to read files saved on the file system. These could be config files, README files, log files or scripts. Basic server administration means being able to open files and read what is saved to your system. If you are working…

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Using SSH Keys to Login to Your Server

The default and most common means of logging into your server over SSH is through using a password. The problem with this is that you leave open the possibility for an attacker to try log in to your account by guessing your password multiple times until they get it right. Attackers can run continuous dictionary…

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Installing Security Updates Automatically

When I first installed my server, I was given the option of installing updates automatically. At the time I reckoned it would be better if I did it all manually, and so chose to install all updates manually. This includes security updates. The best option is to allow Ubuntu to install security updates automatically, and…

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Viewing your Photos

At home I use Googles Picasa for organising and viewing my photos on my day to day laptop. After downloading a batch of new ones from my phone, its a great way of deleting the ones you dont want, sorting the rest and browsing them all when you want to revisit those old memories. Afterwards…

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Securing MySQL Database

After installing your web server and its accompanying MySQL database, there is a built-in MySQL script you should run which will run a number of actions to further secure your database. This does some simple post-install security checks and tidy-up operations, and is a good way to set your security baseline. Simply go to the…

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