
All posts by Dermot

What is the Best Anti Virus

Remember on the school yard when 'my Dad is bigger than your Dad' was the popular taunt? Well AV Comparatives shows us who is the big-daddy of the Anti Virus and enterprise security product world. Using scientific testing, it allows businesses to make an informed choice over which security product to deploy to their estate.…

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Protecting Manufacturing Companies from Attack

What makes manufacturing companies particularly vulnerable to cyber attack? When a company suffers a ransomware infection, all of their data and files are encrypted, locked up, and cannot be accessed. Customer orders, inventories, even whole databases can be made completely inaccessible without paying a ransom fee. But the financial ransom is only one part of…

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Best Way to Share Passwords

Very often we have to share sensitive data or files with someone. Email is a quick, handy way of doing this, but it's definitely not secure. So best practice is to encrypt the data first, so it can't be captured and read by a third party while being emailed. But all too often the password…

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One step to secure yourself this weekend

Want a single step to improve your online security this weekend? Many businesses and individuals rely on cloud services everyday. Think Gmail, Outlook, Hubspot, Salesforce, AWS, Zoho, etc Include also all of your social media channels. These are services you probably use for controlling your business operations, communicating with customers, or promoting your brand. So…

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Benefits of Securing Your Business

Many companies want to reduce their risks, but see information security solely as a cost centre. It helps a lot to change the narrative and look instead at the benefits it can bring: - Regulation - depending on the industry you work within, it may be a legal requirement to abide by regulatory standards. This…

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Preparing to Fail

Prepare to fail is probably the best advice I can give you. Think of it as almost guaranteed. It changes your perspective from, ‘what if’ to ‘when’. And allows you to plan ahead. It’s how we approach online security. That all of the work you are doing, will one day be in vain. A new…

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A few years back I wanted to launch something online. I didn't know what my skills were, what people would want, what could help people or even who to help. There were enough articles about validating your idea, clarifying your target market, pre-selling the product, etc, to put one off taking any action. All sensible…

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When a Phishing Email Changes History

We often hear about the dangers of phishing emails to individual companies, but do you know about the phishing email which (possibly) changed the course of history? In March 2016, a gentleman named John Podesta received an email which appeared to be from Google. It said that it had blocked someone from Ukraine from logging…

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Is Your Computer Hiding a Risk From You?

If your computer is working just fine, how can it be a risk to you? Many people and businesses can be slow to recognise the risk of using out of date software, often because the software still works just fine, Or so it seems... Software, like many things in our lives, needs to be maintained…

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The Biggest Problem with Passwords You Don’t Know About

Want to know a little known fact about your passwords? Everyone says: ➡️ 'use a strong password' ➡️ 'use numbers and special characters' ➡️ 'make it at least 15 characters long' ➡️ 'don't use the name of your dog / kids / company' All true, but the biggest problem with passwords is their re-use. Using…

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