I’m delighted to have been asked to give a talk at a virtual seminar for Small and Medium Businesses. Just under half of all cyber attacks are targeted at SMBs, so this is really a key area to focus on as more of our lives move online.

Taking place on August 6th 2021, we will be covering the steps you can take to secure your business and stop hackers in their tracks. Book your spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cyber-security-tickets-164629315715.

– How did an email from Human Resources lead to the theft of the F35 fighter jet designs, and what can you learn from it?
– How do you secure your workforce now that we are all working remotely?
– How can you prevent your business from being held to ransom digitally?

If you are struggling to make sense of IT security or where to start with your business, come join us for a no nonsense, no jargon evening covering this important topic. I have prepared summaries of all the points for you to download afterwards and apply to your business, and you will also get a free copy of my book Ultimate WordPress Security.

Looking forward to seeing you there!