Phishing attacks don’t just happen by email.

Attackers can also send text messages to your phone, to get you to click on a link.

Known as Smishing (for SMS Phishing), these can be just as dangerous as email phishing attacks.

This message appears to come from the post office, with a small charge to release a parcel.

Did I buy something recently?

Hmm, can’t remember but it could have been some cool online purchase that seemed really good at the time, and that I’ve forgotten about it now.

And €1.90 isn’t a large sum anyway.

Many would be tempted to just pay and see what unexpected surprise comes!

Other people, particularly journalists and ones in the Middle East, have had their phones infected with malware through Smishing attacks.

As ever, use your caution:

– Never click on an unknown link
– Keep your phone fully updated
– Report them to your phone company if you are getting persistent smishing messages


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