Do you think people are good at picking up on subtle hints? Imagine you are interviewing for a senior professional role, and had a candidate in front of you. His CV looked good, his experience was impressive and the technical phone interview went well.
You bring him in for a face-to-face meeting, and his dress-suit is sharp, hair neat, handshake firm, but something isn’t right… As he walks into the room you can’t help but notice that he has running shoes on his feet. What is this an indication of? What subtle message are you meant to take from this, and is it enough for you to go with another, equally qualified, candidate?
You are aware of the impression a good looking website can make on a potential client, but there is no point in having a really nice website, and then having it scream out the fact that you do not take the security and confidentiality of your clients data seriously.
These days, unless your website has a HTTPS certificate, then a visitors web browser will put a big ‘Not Secure’ warning against it. You mightn’t have any private or confidential information on your site, but it is all about impressions.
People have to trust that you are handling their data with due sensitivity, and security is all about trust. If you are not securing your website, then what does that say for your overall awareness of IT security or level of interest in the topic. And ultimately, what will it mean for me, if I choose to do business with you?
Getting a secure HTTPS certificate for your website is easy and free. Just talk to your web host and they should be able to help.